Septic Tank Cleaning Services
The septic or holding tank must be dug open to the septic tank lid, with the lid removed for our technician. Our truck must be able to get within 60 feet of the tank on hard ground (driveway or road) or additional fees will apply. A service call fee will be charged if we arrive and the tank is not exposed. In winter months, homeowners are required to have their driveways plowed and salted, and a path cleared to the septic tank.

Grease Trap cleaning can be scheduled by calling
(724) 459-5675 or (800) 310-0777.

Grease Trap Maintenance Products – Liquid
Pro-Pump Drain line and Grease Trap Treatment features 8 highly effective microbial cultures that work to degrade difficult FOG constituents and fatty acid compounds. Pro-pump is non-toxic and works to eliminate odors and clean lines. Available in 32oz or 1 Gallon

Septic Tank Maintenance Products – Solid
BioForce(SK3) – available in a box of 12 flushable packets Bio Force(SK3) is specially designed to improve and maintain your septic tank or cesspools performance. One 2oz. packet of formula is flushed into your system monthly. The initial application of SK3 restores the natural biological process and boosts the existing biological activity. Following with regular monthly applications will keep septic tanks, cesspools, and aerobic systems working effectively and prevent expensive emergencies. SK3 is safe to use as directed. It is completely natural and environmentally safe, containing no corrosive chemicals, caustics, or acids. SK3 is hazard free and will not damage metal, ceramic, or plastic parts of the drainage system. It is uniquely packaged in a 12 month supply, and has each month listed on the box to cross out as you use them.

Septic Dye Testing
Septic Dye Tests involve flushing a special florescent dye down a toilet or other drain. The dye itself does not make anything happen. It is simply a colored indicator that can identify water found outside as having come from the fixture where the dye was introduced. It’s the volume of water introduced into the system that forms the actual “test”. If waste water is coming to the surface (an unsanitary condition indicating serious septic failure) one may see dye in that water, provided the septic system is flowing at common rates. A Septic Dye Test will by no means find every septic failure, but this methods finds many failures that otherwise are unnoticed by a home buyer until shortly after moving-in. Septic Dye Tests are complimentary to and should precede any further inspection steps taken such as pumping the septic tank. Do not permit the septic tank to be pumped before the Septic Dye Test – that will prevent a valid test of the system and in particular, prevents loading of the drain field.
Port-A-John Rental Co.
2019 Route 217 Hwy S.
Blairsville, PA 15717
Phone: (724)459-5680 | (800)310-0777
Fax: (724)459-5675
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
We accept Cash, Checks, Visa, Master Card, and Discover Card